New Wines, New Labels

For the past year, Linganore Winecellars has been rolling out some major changes in how we look. Last Spring, we introduced our new logo and in the Fall, we brought you this new website. And we are soon to be releasing our new dry wine labels.


2012 Chardonnay at Linganore Winecellar in MD

Today, we introduce our 2012 Chardonnay.

This new Chardonnay is lightly oaked and offers a round caramel finish. We are pleased to offer this new bottling to you, available only at  the winery.

Pictured here, you will see our new dry wine labels that are coming soon. Purchase a bottle of the 2012 Chardonnay at the winery, in its old label and keep an eye out for these new labels to hit the shelves soon!