Mount Airy, MD – Saturday December 18, 2010
Well here we are a week before Christmas and all though the winery everybody was scurrying especially the winemaker and his assistant Jeff. Actually we have been working our collective tails off getting the 2010 wines ready for their long winter’s nap (ok, maybe it’s more like a long deep sleep) waiting to awaken months to years from now and emerge as a wondrous new vintage. We have shut down the processing room – its crusher and press equipment will be idle until next year’s fruit season. But the tasting! Oh the tasting! What promise this vintage holds! I wait…
Mount Airy, MD – Tuesday November 02, 2010
It’s election day, and as with all decisions we have to take time to reflect and think about the future. What will be that next shinning star? What will the future bring that we couldn’t have imagined just last year? Well these questions are the norm every season for a 21st century winemaker. Last year brought rain, rain and more rain. This year the grape gods looked more favorably on us and gave us a remarkable growing season. Yes, even though your lawns were brown, this is the type of weather we dream about but very rarely get here in…
Mount Airy, MD – Friday May 14, 2010
It’s been quite a while since my last installment to the “Wine Thinks” column as things have been busy in the winery the past few months. We have been filtering and bottling like crazy these last few months. The last of the ’09 white wines are in cold storage for cold stabilization prior to bottling. There they will sit for weeks at 27F for final acid reduction and tartrate stabilization. May has brought with it the addition of our seasonal treat, May Wine. This slightly sweet German style ‘09 white, is spiced with Sweet Woodruff which gives the wine a…
Mount Airy, MD – Thursday December 02, 2009
Welcome to this section of our website where I will occasionally post “Wine Thinks” which are happenings in and around the winery. So, people have this idea that, as the winemaker, I get to sit and sample wines all day. That’s perfectly true, except only in their imagination. The real world, unfortunately, gets into the “romance” and injects a certain amount of reality into the situation. This column is designed to be a sort of peek at the real happenings here at the winery. Well that being said, it’s been a long and winding road to get us to the…